How to Use the Crash Course

  • Learn what leadership means. Understand the difference between leadership and management and be able to articulate it to yourself and others.

  • Be honest and open with yourself. Leaders do not walk away from tough challenges, including scrutiny of themselves. The Crash Course helps you take stock of your leadership skills.

  • Focus on your strengths. Once you know where your leadership strengths lie, focus your development efforts there first. The way to make rapid impact as a leader is to know your strengths and then apply them.

  • Work on your weaknesses. Use the course to identify your weaknesses and make plans to modify or stop whatever behaviors are not working. Begin to build new capabilities over time.

  • Monitor your progress. After determining which of the seven dominant types of leader you are, follow simple checklists for tracking your actions. What should you do more of? What should you start doing? What should you stop doing?

  • Try simple tricks and tips. Benefit from a wealth of real-world stories, hints and tips - the tricks, if you like, of successful leaders.

  • Learn from others' mistakes. Keep in mind you can learn as much, and sometimes more, from leaders' mistakes as you can from their successes. Recognize the pitfalls to avoid.

  • Turn what you know into what you do. Just do it!